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Knowledge Hub

Welcome to Valley Hydroponics and Home Brew’s Knowledge Base, your go-to source for all things hydroponic growing and home brewing! Here, we share helpful tips and useful articles to support your interests in these areas. Whether you’re into growing plants or making your own brews, our content is here to help you succeed. Let’s grow, and brew together!
A Grow Light radiating orange light onto a plant in a dark blue tinted room.

Choosing the Right Grow Light for your Garden

Whether you’re just starting out or upgrading your mini jungle, selecting the right grow light can make or
Three Beer Styles on an Orange and Pink Background

Choosing the Right Home Brew Yeast

When it comes to brewing that perfect pint, yeast selection is the secret weapon in your brewing arsenal.
Plants growing in a grow tent

Easy Guide to Starting Your First Hydroponic Garden

G’day, green thumbs! So, you’ve decided to dip your toes into the world of hydroponics? Well, strap yourselves
pie on a table

Aussie Beer and Beef Pie

Sink your teeth into a taste of Aussie tradition with our hearty Beer and Beef Pie recipe. Tender
Man sitting at pub uninterested in his beer

Common off flavors in beer and how to avoid them

Brewmasters, enthusiasts, and weekend warriors alike, there’s nothing quite as disheartening as pouring a fresh homebrew only to
Potassium Deficient Plant

Save Your Plants: Spotting and Fixing Common Plant Deficiencies in Hydroponics

Whether you’re a green-thumbed guru or just dipping your toes into the world of hydroponics, recognizing and addressing

Brew Bubbles 101: How do I carbonate my brews?

G’day, mates! Ready to take your homebrewing game to the next level? Well, hold onto your hats because
Green plants in pots propagating

Beginner’s Guide to Plant Propagation

G’day, fellow green thumbs! If you’re diving into the lush world of plant propagation, you’re in for a
Water being poured into a glass

Essential Guide to pH Testing Made Easy

G’day, fellow brew enthusiasts and green thumbs! So, you’re delving into the world of home brewing and hydroponics,
Viking holding a glass of mead

Brew Like A Viking: A Beginner’s Guide to Homemade Mead

G’day, brew enthusiasts! If you’ve got a hankering for something different in your glass, why not dive into

Perfect Pints: How Temperature Control Transforms Your Home Brew

G’day brew enthusiasts! Whether you’re just dipping your toes into the frothy seas of home brewing or you’ve
Table with Beer and a hand with pen, ticking off a checklist

Brewing Checklist

G’day, mates! So, you’re thinking about diving into the world of homebrewing, eh? This checklist is your ticket
Blue and Red Hydroponic Lighting over top of plant

Understanding Light Requirements for Hydroponic Plants

In hydroponic systems, light is essential for plant growth and development, serving as the primary energy source for
Aphids on a leaf

Hydroponic Pest Management: Strategies for Healthy Plants

Hydroponic gardening offers numerous benefits, including controlled environments, efficient resource use, and increased plant yields. However, like any
Yeast starter in a flask

Mastering Yeast Pitching: Tips for Consistent Fermentation

Mastering yeast pitching is crucial for achieving consistent fermentation and producing the best-tasting beer possible. Proper yeast management
Beer being held by a hand in the ocean during sunset

How can I adjust my water profile for brewing different beer styles?

Adjusting your water profile is a crucial aspect of brewing beer, as it directly affects the flavor, mouthfeel,
Vertical Garden

Maximizing Vertical Space in Hydroponic Gardens

Maximizing vertical space in hydroponic gardens involves strategic planning and utilizing techniques specifically designed to grow plants upward