LalBrew – London – English style Ale Yeast


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LalBrew London™ is a true English ale strain selected for its ability to produce authentic, traditional UK beer styles. Fermentation performance is fast and consistent producing moderate esters and lower attenuation due to an inability to metabolize maltotriose. LalBrew London™ is one of the original Heritage Strains selected from the Lallemand Yeast Culture Collection when Lallemand Brewing was founded in 1992. A more subdued yeast character allows the flavors and aromas of malt and hops to shine through in styles such as Extra Special Bitter Pale Ale, Bitter and Mild. LalBrew London™ may also be used in the production of Ciders.


Classified as a Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a top fermenting yeast.
Typical Analysis of LalBrew London yeast:

  • Percent solids  93% – 97%
  • Living Yeast Cells  ≥  5 x 109 per gram of dry yeast
  • Wild Yeast Media: This strain is known to grow on some wild yeast media including LWYM and LCSM
  • Wild Yeast  < 1 per 106 yeast cells
  • Diastaticus Negative
  • Bacteria  < 1 per 106 yeast cells