Motueka – 100g


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Formerly known as Belgian Saaz or B Saaz, Motueka is a premier New Zealand hop. Developed by HortResearch, this triploid was bred from Saaz and an unnamed New Zealand breeding strain and lends itself well to Lagers, Pilsners and Belgian Ales.


It makes an excellent dual-use hop, carrying an exciting fruit aroma with refreshing notes of tropical fruit and citrus. It can be used at any point during the brewing process and works well in sweet, malty and fruity beers. Massachusetts brewery brewmaster Jack uses Motueka in a Maibock and Sierra Nevada brewery also debuted their Southern Hemisphere Harvest fresh hops ale in April 2014 using Motueka, along with Southern Cross, as its finishing hops.

Also Known AsB Saaz, Belgian Saaz
CharacteristicsTropical fruit and citrus
PurposeBittering & Aroma
Alpha Acid Composition6.5%-8.5%
Beta Acid Composition5%-5.5%
Co-Humulone Composition29%
CountryNew Zealand
Cone SizeSmall to medium
Cone DensityLoose
Seasonal MaturityEarly
Yield Amount1200-1500 kg/hectare (1071-1338 lbs/acre)
Growth RateVery high
Resistant to
Susceptible to
StorabilityRetains 60%-70% alpha acid after 6 months storage at 20ºC (68ºF)
Ease of HarvestModerate to difficult
Total Oil Composition0.8 mL/100g
Myrcene Oil Composition47.7%
Humulene Oil Composition3.6%
Caryophyllene Oil2%
Farnesene Oil12.2%
SubstitutesSaaz, Saaz (US), Sterling
Style GuideEuropean Ale, English Ale, Dark Lager, Pilsner, Belgian Ales, Lager, Maibock, Ales