Perle -100g


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The original Perle was created in Germany sometime during the 1960’s or early-mid 1970’s from Northern Brewer and a German male. It was released to the public in 1978.

Some European breweries have claimed that Perle is much like and a good substitute for Hallertau Mittelfrüher. Others in the US and Japan however have disagreed with that assessment. Perle is said to have a pleasant aroma, elements of mint and pine with a hint of spice.

Also Known As
PurposeBittering & Aroma
Alpha Acid Composition8%-9%
Beta Acid Composition8%
Co-Humulone Composition28%
SubstitutesPerle (US), Northern Brewer (GR)
Style GuideHefeweizen, Belgian Strong Ale, Lager, Pilsner, Kölsch